HIT Perspectives Newsletter

HIT Perspectives is POCP’s account of top health IT trends, significant healthcare events, federal policies and industry activities.

HIT Perspectives Newsletter

HIT Perspectives is POCP’s account of top health IT trends, significant healthcare events, federal policies and industry activities.

Each article provides analysis and insights based on POCP’s unique views and in-depth expertise on cross-cutting issues affecting payers, pharma, vendors and providers.

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May/June 2024 Issue

Past Issues

HIT Perspectives (February 2024)

Healthcare’s Next Frontier: CMS Final Rule Signals a Paradigm Shift in Prior Authorization and Interoperability | Unleashing the Power of Digital Health: Transformative Life Sciences Strategies for Enhanced Patient Outcomes  | Unlocking Healthcare’s Data with a National Network: TEFCA’s Game-Changing Impact on Providers, Patients and Payers

HIT Perspectives (November 2023)

20 Years of Health IT Wisdom: 2023 Trends & Charting the Course for 2024 | Advancing Pharmacy Practice: Bridging Policy, Value-Based Care Models, Technology and Health Equity  | Navigating the Nexus: Deciphering the Interplay of Federal and State Health IT Policies

HIT Perspectives (August 2023)

Unleashing AI in Healthcare: Transformations, Triumphs, and Turmoil | Life Sciences’ Next Opportunity: Supporting Clinical Champions with EHR Optimization  | Advancing Pharmacogenomics (PGx) and Realizing Its Clinical Promise Through Standards & Administrative Workflow

HIT Perspectives (May 2023)

Pharmacy Interoperability – The Next Frontier Advancing Patient Care | Everyone’s Talking About Health Equity – But Are They Speaking the Same Language? | Gaining Momentum with FHIR Through FAST

HIT Perspectives (January 2023)

2023 Brings Unprecedented Opportunities to Shape the Future of Interoperability via Policy Making |Policy, Standards & Implementations: Where the Rubber Hits the Road| TEFCA is Gaining Momentum: Pay Attention & Get Engaged

HIT Perspectives (November 2022)

2022 Recap & Look at the Future of Health IT |Payers & FHIR: Seeing the Forest for the Trees | Staying Ahead of EHR Rules & Regulations for 2023

HIT Perspectives (August 2022)

Paying Attention to “What’s Next” in Health Tech: Life Sciences Companies Are Poised to Drive Change |eConsent: The Key to Interoperability’s Next Big Step | Interoperability Investments Pay Off When Planned and Properly Prioritized

HIT Perspectives (April 2022)

5 Things to Know About Medical Cost Transparency & It’s Impact on Payers, Providers & Patients  | A Primer on Health Equity | Take-aways from HIMSS & VIVE 

HIT Perspectives (January 2022)

6 Health IT Trends to Pay Attention to in 2022 | 5 Ways to Drive Adoption and Help Unleash the Power of Health Care Data | EHR Extension Apps May Be One Key to Better Supporting the Treatment of Complex Conditions


HIT Perspectives (November 2021)

Leveraging EHRs to Close Gaps in Care and Improve Quality | Interoperability: 10 Reasons Why Payer Top Executives Must Be Involved | The Increasingly Consequential Role of eConsent for Everyone. Yes, Everyone.

HIT Perspectives (August 2021)

How Pharma Can Help Providers Meet New Patients Experience | Quashing Myths That Obstruct Implementation of FHIR APIs | Why It’s Essential to Set Specialty ePrescribing on FHIR

HIT Perspectives (May 2021)

10 Ways to Increase Adoption of Electronic Prior Authorization |Stakeholders Convene to Facilitate Electronic Advanced Care Planning|Moving Forward with the FHIR at Scale Taskforce

HIT Perspectives (January 2021)

Health IT Under a Biden Administration: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution? |Six Under-the-Radar Trends You Should Be Thinking About in 2021|Pulling Back the Covers on HIEs, Part 2: Where are They Going and Why


HIT Perspectives (September 2020) PDF Download

Achieving Patient-Specific Price Transparency by Unlocking EHR Data | Tapping Pharmacy Infrastructure and Clinical Services in a Changing World | Pulling Back the Covers on Health Information Exchanges: Part 1

HIT Perspectives (June 2020) –  PDF Download

Innovations in Formulary, Benefit and Eligibility To Transform the Point of Care Experience | Four Factors Driving the Momentum of Telehealth Adoption That Will Continue After the COVID-19 Crisis | Post COVID-19: Five Things That Will Come Roaring Back With a Twist

HIT Perspectives (April 2020) –  PDF Download

The Critical Role of Health IT in Fighting COVID-19 Five Predictions on How the COVID-19 Crisis Will Transform Health IT  | Take Note of the Health IT Opportunities Emerging From the Final Interoperability Rules of ONC and CMS

HIT Perspectives (February 2020) –  PDF Download

Top 2020 Health IT Predictions: Opportunities Abound | How  Payers  and Providers Can  Succeed in Value-Based Care  | FAST: The Coalition Aiming to Strengthen the FHIR Interoperability Infrastructure


HIT Perspectives (December 2019) –  PDF Download

Four Reasons to Become a FHIRmacy | Five Key Ingredients for Successful Multistakeholder Initiatives | Digital Therapeutics: Transforming Care Through Technology

HIT Perspectives (September 2019) –  PDF Download

Lack of Training is Core Cause of Physician EHR Usability Complaints  |  ePA 2.0: Taking Electronic Prior Authorization to the Next Level  |  How Artificial Intelligence Is Poised to Transform Medication Management

HIT Perspectives (June 2019)  –  PDF Download

Breaking Through Barriers to Advancing Electronic Prior Authorization |  CDS Hooks Can Use FHIR APIs to Trigger Robust Decision Support in EHRs | Five Trends Leading the Digital Transformation of Specialty Pharmacy

HIT Perspectives (March 2019)  –  PDF Download

CARIN Alliance – Multisector Coalition Strives to Connect Patients to Medication Costs | 8 Impressions from HIMSS 2019  |  10 Thoughts About the New Proposed Rules from ONC and CMS

HIT Perspectives (January 2019)  –  PDF Download

Legislation, Proposed Rules and Part D Guidance to Affect Electronic Prescribing and EHRs | 14 Health IT Game Changers  |  What Version 4 of FHIR Standard Means for Adoption and Innovation


HIT Perspectives (November 2018)  –  PDF Download

Connecting Patients With the Costs of Their Medications  | High Impact: Opioid Legislation Effects ePrescribing, ePA and PDMPs  |  Looking Back at 2018 Predictions: How’d We Do?

HIT Perspectives (September 2018)  –  PDF Download

Six Interoperability Trends to Watch | The Time Is Right for Electronic Medical Prior Authorization | Improving Drug Price Transparency: Progress and Opportunities

HIT Perspectives (June 2018)  –  PDF Download

Improving Drug Price Transparency: The Case for Out-of-Pocket Drug Cost Information at the Point of Prescribing | NCPDP Forms Specialty Pharmacy Work Group |Thumbs Up at this ePrescribing Checkpoint!

HIT Perspectives (April 2018)  –  PDF Download

10 Takeaways from HIMSS18  | The Da Vinci Project: Helping Payers and Providers Get the Most From Value-Based Care | The Impact of Cost on EPCS Adoption

HIT Perspectives (January 2018)  –  PDF Download

Trends to Watch in 2018  | Fighting a Root Cause of the Opioid Epidemic: New POCP Report Examines State Responses to Opioid Prescribing | Virtual Visits: Now Coming to Your Home, Doctor and Pharmacy


HIT Perspectives (November 2017)  –  PDF Download

Following What the Doctor Ordered: Addressing Medication Noncompliance  | The Impact of New, Nonproprietary Naming Convention for Biologics and Biosimilars: 7 Key Findings | ONC  to Significantly Scale Back EHR Certification and Enrollment

HIT Perspectives (September 2017)  –  PDF Download

Five Health IT, Opioid-Related Trends Impacting Electronic Health Records | Interoperability
and Standards Will Be Areas of Focus Through Year End
 | Automating Enrollment for Specialty Prescriptions

HIT Perspectives (June 2017)  –  PDF Download

HHS Moves Ahead in Personnel and Health IT | New Model Can Help Payers Realize Return on Investment From Electronic Prior Authorization | State Lawmakers Focus on ePA and Opioid Abuse

HIT Perspectives (April 2017)  –  PDF Download

Eight Takeaways from HIMSS 2017 | FHIR Sets the Stage for Targeted Applications for Payers and Providers | Stakeholder Impacts of the AMA’s Prior Authorization Reform Proposal

HIT Perspectives (February 2017)  –  PDF Download

10 Trends to Watch in 2017 | What the 21st Century Cures Act Means for Health ITPDMPs Take on Renewed Importance as a Tool in the Fight Against the Opioid Epidemic


HIT Perspectives (November 2016)  –  PDF Download

A National Patient Identifier: An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again | Taking ePrescribing to the Next Level with the Structured and Codified Sig | Legislative Changes to I-STOP: Are They a Good Thing?

HIT Perspectives (September 2016)   – PDF Download

Taking Electronic Prior Authorization to the Next Level | Using Health Information Technology to Improve Patient Engagement | Surescripts Issues Its 2015 National Progress Report

HIT Perspectives (June 2016)  PDF Download

New Proposed Regulation Rebrands and Retools Meaningful Use | Real-Time Benefit Inquiry: A New Kind of Clinical Decision Support | Top 10 Themes at Health Datapalooza 2016

HIT Perspectives (April 2016)  PDF Download

Ten Takeaways from HIMSS16 | Integrating EHRs and PDMPs: How Vendors Can Get Ahead of the Curve | Alerting Prescribers for Biosimilar Substitution to Protect Patient Safety

HIT Perspectives (February 2016)  PDF Download

Top Ten Health IT Trends for 2016 | Meaningful Use: Not Entirely Gone But Certainly Not Forgotten | Cutting Through the Confusion Surrounding Electronic Formulary and Benefit Checks


HIT Perspectives (September 2015)  – PDF Download

Taking Clinical Decision Support to the Next Level: A Standards-Based Approach | Paving the Way for Specialty ePrescribing | Better Formulary and Benefit Information Pay Off for Payers

HIT Perspectives (June 2015)  PDF Download

Information Blocking: A Hot Potato in Washington | DERF-a-Palooza at May NCPDP Meeting Yields Results | Surescripts Issues 2014 National Progress Report

HIT Perspectives (May 2015)  PDF Download

HIMSS15: On FHIR and 6 Other Key Takeaways | The Impact of MU Stage 3 on Patient Engagement | Meaningful Use Stage 3: What Does It Mean for EHR Vendors?

HIT Perspectives (February 2015)  PDF Download

At Last! A Compelling Business Case for Interoperability | Exciting Changes Ahead in 2015 for HealthIT | Interoperability, Value-Based Care and the War on Painkillers to Drive E-Prescribing for Controlled Substances

Click here for Newsletter Archives prior to 2015